So many WhatsApp users are unknown how to use other fonts style on WhatsApp. So, if you are still unknown how to change a text format on WhatsApp, you can follow the steps below.
1. Bold Font
Here are the steps to write bold text.
1. First, open your WhatsApp and click a messages column.
2. And then, start with a writing Star Symbol (*) and write what you want to write.
3. After that, close the text with a star symbol also.
4. Example: *Bold Text*.

2. Italic Font
Here are the steps to writing italic text.
1. Open WhatsApp and click the message column.
2. Then, start writing with the Underline Symbol ( _ ) and write the text what you wanna type.
3. After that, close with the underline symbol also.
4. For example: _Italic Text_.

3. Strikethrough Font
Here are steps to get a Strikethrough text, you can follow that.
1. Open WhatsApp and click the column Type a message.
2. Then, start writing with the press a Tilde symbol (~) and write the text what you want.
3. After writing the text, close with the tilde symbol again.
4. As an example: ~Strikethrough Text~.

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